
I am new to the blogging scene, as you could probably infer by this sparse blog. I have created this blog mainly as a conduit for one of many hobbies, which I have just recently started getting back into – writing. I don’t expect many people to see or read these posts, but just in case there’s someone out there who is genuinely interested, here’s a few minor explanations to get started:

Who am I?

 My name is Zachary Thomas (First and middle name only.) I am a recent college graduate with a degree in Psychology and Graphic Design, and am interested in all things creative. My hobbies include beatboxing, dance, crochet and fiber arts, writing, painting, and drawing, and I’m always striving to learn or do more.

What’s with the blog name?

Knot Sew Basic is the title of my Etsy Store, where I sell my Crocheted pieces. You can find that here by the way. I honestly didn’t know what to name this, and so I went the lazy route and used that instead. As I’ve said, this will mainly be used for my new writing project, but who knows, I may create a different blog for the writing and use this as a promotion for my store. As previously stated, I have no idea what I’m doing. You’ll get used to that.

So writing, huh?

Yup! Most people that know me probably don’t know, but I have always been interested in writing since I was young. I actually had wanted to be an author when I was growing up, and would constantly be writing stories that were never finished. Over the past few years, I have been toying with the idea of participating in NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, however was always intimidated by the absurd number of words I would have to write EVERY single day (1,667 words a day, or about 5 pages.) in order to complete the 50,000 words goal at the end of the month.

Instead, I found a much more manageable (and saner) endeavor titled A Round of Words in 80 Days, of which this blog will /hopefully/ be dedicated to. For anyone who knows me, you’ll know that I’m the type of person who adopts a ton of projects, but has trouble to committing to them in the long term. Yeah, that probably won’t change, and I’m used to it. But! This challenge kind of holds me accountable for staying up to date with it, and if people end up actually reading these things, then it might get me to stick with it.

What else do I have going on?

On the surface, not a whole lot. But personally, I’m at a point in my life where I'm trying to figure out what my next steps are going to be. I am currently taking my final college course, I am thinking about possible jobs/careers I would like to pursue, and I’m trying to keep up with a variety of creative projects and hobbies. None of that may sound like problems or things that will get in the way of this blog, but I have many other things that I am interested in that will take up my time. So, in short, this isn’t going to be something I obsessively update probably, but a fun new thing I want to try out.

If you’re still here…

Well that’s great! And a tad embarrassing, since you’re reading things I have written and have chosen to share with the entire internet. That’s spooky. But hey, we’re in this together now I suppose. So let’s see where this takes us!


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