A Row of Words in 80 Days – Goal Post

Hey hey! So here goes the goal post for my first ever writing challenge, of which I hope to actually keep up with! For those not in the loop, a.k.a probably most people, ROW80 is a more manageable form of NaNoWriMo, in which you attempt to complete your own personal writing goals in 80 days. This can basically be anything, where as NaNoWriMo’s goal is 50,000 words in a 30 day period. Which seems incredibly daunting every time I think about it, hence why I never actually committed to it.

 I’m technically late to the party (or early, depending how you look at it), as this challenge has four sessions a year. ROW80 is on the last legs of its 2nd session, and the third session doesn’t start until the first Monday of July. I don’t feel like waiting that long to start, as I’m already writing, so I thought I would get ahead of the game a bit. This way too, when I get busier later in June, I won’t have to do all this preliminary junk.

So what’s my goal?

Ehhhhh…. Write some words? And stuff? Honestly, I have no idea as I write this what my actual end goal for my current project is. It’s honestly just to continue to write and not get discouraged at this point. Is that viable? Am I crazy? Yes and yes. But I will probably need to establish a more concrete goal later, like a word or page count. I would love to say my goal is 50,000 words in 80 days, but even that seems unrealistic to me at this point. So, I guess I will start with this – I will attempt to write every day, even if it's just a single sentence or paragraph. But ultimately this entire thing is for /me/ (no offense) and thus, I’ll limit myself to a minimum posting goal of once a week. I’m already ahead on this, as I have about 7 pages of written material that I can just slowly post. I’ll probably do that to start with. As I’ve said, I have a few things coming up, such as a crazy workload for my class, a new job/adventure, and some family that will be coming to visit! Not to mention a possible mini vacation. So yeah, I’ve got some stuff to look forward to, and I’m picking a kind of bad time to start this thing.

But what’s a good time for anything really?

Another reason why starting this all now is probably better, as when the “official” start date comes I’ll feel like I’m in a good spot. Hopefully.

So Recap:

I’m crazy and starting another new project without giving it too much thought because hey, that’s just me! But basically, my personal rules for now are:

Post my writings at least once a week

Try writing every day, but don’t get discouraged if you don’t!

These might become more concrete as it gets closer to the start date. I’m going to hold myself accountable for this. And you are my witness. If I’m not posting and you know me, bug me about it. No seriously, I’m giving you permission. BOTHER ME. DO IT. I will thank you for it.

So that’s pretty much it! Stay tuned for a sneak peek of what I’m writing!


  1. Welcome on into the fray! Actually, it's not nearly so crazy as you might think. The nice thing about the ROW80 is, we understand "Life Happens".

    So... a few things to help make it easier. You don't need to post your writings, just your progress on your writings (sometimes it can be hard to post a whole story for whatever reason... remember, if you publish something, even on a blog, some publishers consider it published and won't accept the piece).

    Also, if you don't want to blog your progress (I don't most of the time these days... or rather, I do, very intermittently) you can just give a shout-out on our FB group (or on the ROW80 blog comment section saying something along the lines of "I wrote ten pages this week" (or something similar.

    We also have a linky on the bi-weekly check-in posts that you can add any blogpost check-in you write. Be sure to visit other ROWers and cheer them on too.

    And welcome to our community of word-wranglers. :-D

  2. Welcome, welcome, welcome!

    I like the idea of setting a goal to just write, and not feel guilty if you don't. I'm fond of gentler approaches that don't penalize.

    Another idea is to have a goal to determine a goal (does that make sense)? I'm doing that with a long-term online revision course I'm doing - it's tricky to know how much is a reasonable amount to shoot for.

    At any rate, welcome again! =D


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