
Showing posts from June, 2017

ROW 80 - "Sneak Peek"

So now that I've made this blog I'm just itching to have people read what I've written, and I face a dilemma: Do I post everything I've written all at once, or do I post it in small, manageable chunks? The later sounds more productive, and so I will make this my last post for the day, and possibly the week. Here are three small passages, in the order in which I wrote them, to start my ROW 80 project. I'm not counting this as the start of my 80 days. That will still be on July 3rd, the first Monday of the month. So enough exposition, here you go: --- “Please,” She said, in an almost whisper. “Stay.” I grasped her hand gently, but said nothing. “I can’t. I want to. It’s just…” The words came out in painful bursts. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes, slowly rolling down his cheeks. And still I said nothing. “I understand…” She said, after a moment. Her face showed disappointment. Finally I broke my silence. I did not, however, break my grasp. “I

A Row of Words in 80 Days – Goal Post

Hey hey! So here goes the goal post for my first ever writing challenge, of which I hope to actually keep up with! For those not in the loop, a.k.a probably most people, ROW80 is a more manageable form of NaNoWriMo, in which you attempt to complete your own personal writing goals in 80 days. This can basically be anything, where as NaNoWriMo’s goal is 50,000 words in a 30 day period. Which seems incredibly daunting every time I think about it, hence why I never actually committed to it.   I’m technically late to the party (or early, depending how you look at it), as this challenge has four sessions a year. ROW80 is on the last legs of its 2 nd session, and the third session doesn’t start until the first Monday of July. I don’t feel like waiting that long to start, as I’m already writing, so I thought I would get ahead of the game a bit. This way too, when I get busier later in June, I won’t have to do all this preliminary junk. So what’s my goal? Ehhhhh…. Write some wor


I am new to the blogging scene, as you could probably infer by this sparse blog. I have created this blog mainly as a conduit for one of many hobbies, which I have just recently started getting back into – writing. I don’t expect many people to see or read these posts, but just in case there’s someone out there who is genuinely interested, here’s a few minor explanations to get started: Who am I?  My name is Zachary Thomas (First and middle name only.) I am a recent college graduate with a degree in Psychology and Graphic Design, and am interested in all things creative. My hobbies include beatboxing, dance, crochet and fiber arts, writing, painting, and drawing, and I’m always striving to learn or do more. What’s with the blog name? Knot Sew Basic is the title of my Etsy Store, where I sell my Crocheted pieces. You can find that here by the way. I honestly didn’t know what to name this, and so I went the lazy route and used that instead. As I’ve said, this will mainly be use